Going beyond the basics of interviewing and counseling, this book examines practical and theoretical challenges lawyers face with clients. Each chapter explores a critical issue in interviewing and counseling, such as developing connection across difference; dealing with atypical clients; using engaged client-centered counseling; bringing narrative theory to bear on lawyer-client encounters; seeking truth; pursuing moral dialogue; discussing law; and understanding how expertise affects practice. The book investigates these issues primarily through detailed analysis of multi-layered lawyer-client conversations, arising in a variety of contexts, which invite the reader to consider and critique the lawyer’s choices. A key theme is “engaged client-centered lawyering,” which emphasizes the importance of client choice and the impact of lawyers on clients, and affirms lawyers’ ability, through attending to the evolving contexts of clients’ lives, issues of technique, ethics, and la

Imprint: West Academic Publishing
Series: Coursebook
Publication Date: 10/29/2009

Stephen Ellmann, New York Law School

Robert D. Dinerstein, American University Washington College of Law

Isabelle Gunning, Southwestern School of Law

Katherine R. Kruse, Mitchell Hamline School of Law

Ann C. Shalleck, American University Washington College of Law


This title is available in our CasebookPlus format. CasebookPlus provides support beyond your classroom lectures and materials by offering additional digital resources to you and your students. Anchored by faculty-authored formative self-assessments keyed to our most popular casebooks, CasebookPlus allows students to test their understanding of core concepts as they are learning them in class – on their own, outside of the classroom, with no extra work on your part. CasebookPlus combines three important elements:

  • A new print or digital casebook
  • Access to a downloadable eBook with the ability to highlight and add notes
  • 12-month access to a digital Learning Library complete with:
Multiple-choice self-assessment questions, including:
  • Chapter questions keyed to the casebook
  • Black Letter Law questions (available in select subjects)
  • Subject area review questions for end of semester use
Essay and short answer questions with sample answers and expert commentary, in 1L and select upper-level subjects

Leading digital study aids, an outline starter, and audio lectures in select subjects

Students can still utilize CasebookPlus digital resources if they’ve purchased a used book or are renting their text by purchasing the Learning Library at westacademic.com.

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