Civil Procedure: An Integrated Approach (Doctrine and Practice Series) combines classic cases, contemporary lower-court gems, and an unmatched set of learning tools and teacher resources to make civil procedure accessible, relevant, and compelling. The hardcopy textbook is integrated with online flowcharts, quizzes, and videos that together give students of all learning styles a strong command of doctrine. It emphasizes the central role of lawyers in civil procedure, challenging students to discover the legal strategies and practical realities that make civil procedure the most important element in every litigator's toolkit.

The casebook includes:

  • Key Ideas textboxes after every reading summarizing important takeaways. All readings also have easy-to-follow notes and questions to guide study and discussion of the readings.
  • Taking Stock textboxes summarizing the main ideas and themes from each chapter.
  • Beyond the Doctrine textboxes that provide distinctive perspectives on the readings from practice and academic scholarship.
  • Carefully-edited excerpts from the Constitution, statutes, and Federal Rules in the text, each with their own introductions, notes, and questions. No longer is codified law consigned to a "rules supplement" to be neglected by students!

The linked online materials include:
  • Case Synopsis bullet points summarizing the background and holding of each case, which students can use to develop their note-taking and outlining skills.
  • Videos colorfully illustrating empirical data on the federal courts' changing caseloads and examples of distinctive legal strategies from notable cases.
  • Flowcharts summarizing main ideas from each chapter in an easy-to-follow graphical format.
  • Self-Assessment Quizzes with answers that students can use to test what they've learned in each chapter.

This casebook sequences its topics to optimize students' success in the 1L curriculum. It begins with a broad overview of civil procedure and then covers the Federal Rules and the stages of the civil action. Placing these topics first ensures that your students will better understand materials in their other courses, where concepts like motions to dismiss and summary judgment arise frequently. Building on this foundation, it then introduces complex litigation, including class actions, jurisdiction, the Erie problem, and arbitration.

This casebook is suitable for all first-year Civil Procedure courses. The forthcoming teacher's manual will provide recommended syllabi for all courses from one-quarter/semester courses to year-long courses. The teacher's manual will offer unique features, including "challenge ratings' for every reading, which teachers can use to customize the difficulty level of the syllabus, and "rabbit in the hat" tips with the surprise insights about cases that students won't see coming.

This title utilizes the CasebookPlus™ platform. Anchored by faculty-authored formative self-assessments, CasebookPlus allows students to test their understanding of core concepts as they are learning them in class with quizzes keyed to each chapter, subject area review quizzes, and helpful explanations. Learn more at

Imprint: Foundation Press
Series: Doctrine and Practice Series
Publication Date: 05/25/2021
Related Subject(s): Professional Identity Formation

William H. J. Hubbard, University of Chicago Law School


This title is available in our CasebookPlus format. CasebookPlus provides support beyond your classroom lectures and materials by offering additional digital resources to you and your students. Anchored by faculty-authored formative self-assessments keyed to our most popular casebooks, CasebookPlus allows students to test their understanding of core concepts as they are learning them in class – on their own, outside of the classroom, with no extra work on your part. CasebookPlus combines three important elements:

  • A new print or digital casebook
  • Access to a downloadable eBook with the ability to highlight and add notes
  • 12-month access to a digital Learning Library complete with:
Multiple-choice self-assessment questions, including:
  • Chapter questions keyed to the casebook
  • Black Letter Law questions (available in select subjects)
  • Subject area review questions for end of semester use
Essay and short answer questions with sample answers and expert commentary, in 1L and select upper-level subjects

Leading digital study aids, an outline starter, and audio lectures in select subjects

Students can still utilize CasebookPlus digital resources if they’ve purchased a used book or are renting their text by purchasing the Learning Library at

With CasebookPlus, you can customize your students’ learning experience and monitor their performance. The quiz editor allows you to create your own custom quiz set, suppress specific quiz questions or quiz sets, and time-release quiz questions. Additionally, the flexible, customized reporting capability helps you evaluate your students’ understanding of the material and can also help your school demonstrate compliance with the new ABA Assessment and Learning Outcomes standards.

Learn more about this series.

“I have never heard of a casebook getting as much praise from students as this one. Ever since I started teaching with it, I've had a regular stream of comments in person and in my evaluations from students who go out of their way to say they were grateful I chose this casebook. By far, the most appreciated feature of the book is the frequent use of contemporary cases and the clear, straightforward approach of the text. But students have flagged many more features, too—the helpful "key ideas" summaries that highlight important takeaways; the readings that go "beyond the doctrine" to provide important context for how procedure plays out in the world outside of judicial opinions; and the online quizzes and study aids as well. As a teacher, it is enormously valuable to have students feel like the casebook is "on their side," particularly in the highly technical 1L class of Civil Procedure. I would highly recommend anyone teaching Civ Pro consider this book for their class.”
—Daniel Wilf-Townsend, Associate Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center