The Sixth Edition of this widely used casebook includes the usual rich mix of materials and is adaptable to a survey course, a policy-oriented seminar, or a more specialized J.D. or LL.M tax class. Every major topic is accompanied by a skillfully developed problem set and lively notes, questions, policy discussion, and bibliographic references.

Highlights of the Sixth Edition include:

  • Coverage of all important developments since the last edition, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nonprofit sector; recent legislation and final regulations on the new excise taxes on excessive executive compensation and large charitable endowments, and the unrelated business tax “silo” rules; major antitrust litigation against the NCAA and related legislative proposals to expand the rights of college athletes; and state law developments.
  • Selective discussion of the American Law Institute’s forthcoming Restatement of the Law of Charitable Nonprofit Organizations.
  • Division of the chapter on charitable tax exemptions into two chapters, separately covering affirmative requirements for tax exemption (Chapter 5) and limitations on exemptions and procedural requirements (Chapter 6).
  • Updated author’s text addressing the robust policy debate over income inequality, “elite philanthropy,” and the implications for reform of the charitable deduction.
  • Surveys of proposed tax legislation, including enhanced regulation of donor-advised funds and private foundations.
  • Pruning of dated materials, more tightly edited cases and notes, and several new problems.

Imprint: Foundation Press
Series: University Casebook Series
Publication Date: 06/28/2021

James J. Fishman, Pace University School of Law

Stephen Schwarz, UC College of the Law, San Francisco

Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer, Notre Dame Law School


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Highlights of the Sixth Edition include:

  • Coverage of all important developments since the last edition, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nonprofit sector; recent legislation and final regulations on the new excise taxes on excessive executive compensation and large charitable endowments, and the unrelated business tax “silo” rules; major antitrust litigation against the NCAA and related legislative proposals to expand the rights of college athletes; and state law developments.
  • Selective discussion of the American Law Institute’s forthcoming Restatement of the Law of Charitable Nonprofit Organizations.
  • Division of the chapter on charitable tax exemptions into two chapters, separately covering affirmative requirements for tax exemption (Chapter 5) and limitations on exemptions and procedural requirements (Chapter 6).
  • Updated author’s text addressing the robust policy debate over income inequality, “elite philanthropy,” and the implications for reform of the charitable deduction.
  • Surveys of proposed tax legislation, including enhanced regulation of donor-advised funds and private foundations.
  • Pruning of dated materials, more tightly edited cases and notes, and several new problems.

Learn more about this series.