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This is the Sixth Edition of the textbook that pioneered the teaching of Evidence using problems rather than appellate opinions. The text explores the Rules of Evidence and their rationales in a straightforward fashion without hiding the ball or ignoring complexities. Problems that clarify the Rules appear throughout the chapters; larger problem sets that explore the Rules in detail are found at the ends of chapters. The updated edition discusses recent changes to the Rules of Evidence, important recent cases and social science findings, and recent developments in science and technology that bear on the design and operation of the rules and on their supporting rationales.

Imprint: West Academic Publishing
Series: American Casebook Series
Publication Date: 06/11/2024

Richard O. Lempert, University of Michigan Law School

Samuel R. Gross, University of Michigan Law School

James S. Liebman, Columbia University Law School

John H. Blume, Cornell University Law School

Keir M. Weyble, Cornell University Law School

Stephan Landsman, DePaul University College of Law

Fredric I. Lederer, William and Mary Law School


This title is available in our CasebookPlus format. CasebookPlus provides support beyond your classroom lectures and materials by offering additional digital resources to you and your students. Anchored by faculty-authored formative self-assessments keyed to our most popular casebooks, CasebookPlus allows students to test their understanding of core concepts as they are learning them in class – on their own, outside of the classroom, with no extra work on your part. CasebookPlus combines three important elements:

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There have been a number of significant, substantive changes to the Federal Rules of Evidence since the last edition was released in 2014 which are addressed in the Sixth Edition.

The Supreme Court’s Confrontation Clause jurisprudence has continued to develop, as has its intersection with Federal and state rules of evidence, in important ways that needed to be addressed.

A stylistic overhaul was needed to make the book more appealing to the current generation of law students.

Several chapters, e.g., Six and Eleven, were significantly shortened in an effort to make the book more user-friendly.

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