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Depositions in a Nutshell
This latest edition of Depositions in a Nutshell provides comprehensive descriptions and concrete illustrations of effective strategies and techniques for taking and defending depositions. The resource is useful for both inexperienced attorneys getting their first exposure to depositions as well as experienced attorneys looking to sharpen their deposition skills. Additionally, the book can serve as a text for a stand-alone depositions course or as a supplement to a civil pre-trial lawyering course or any live client clinical course that provides students with opportunities to take or defend depositions. It devotes separate chapters to such fundamental skills as obtaining helpful answers to critical questions, undercutting harmful testimony, uncovering a deponent's version of significant events, and dealing with evasive deponents. The book provides insight on how to handle objections, utilize exhibits during a deposition and prepare a client to be deposed, as well as how to conduct some of the most common depositions including depositions of entities and expert depositions.
Imprint: West Academic Publishing
Series: Nutshells
Publication Date: 01/08/2025
Related Subject(s): Career Success
Paul B. Bergman, University of California-L.A. School of Law
Jason A. Light, University of California-L.A. School of Law
David Babbe, University of California-L.A. School of Law
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- A new organization of chapters to present topics in the order lawyers commonly encounter them;
- A more streamlined and reader-friendly presentation making the Nutshell more efficient for both practicing attorneys and law students; and
- Tips for handling remote depositions now that they have become a common part of the modern discovery process.
Learn more about this series.
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